It is about my ARCHITECTURE, my INVOLVEMENT in CONSTRUCTION industries, my PASSION in designing building and shaping better environment. Demonstrating my past, current and future works and involvement in Architecture......
uncle, this is my comment on your blog: 1. i think each project needs some brief explanation so that the viewers will have clearer understanding of it.
2. to increase the traffic of this blog, u can link it to the FB. so, more people will browse to the blog..
thanks for the opinion. You are absolutely right. I have been thought about that and still keep updating. Please continue browsing my blog for latest information. Thank you.
uncle, this is my comment on your blog:
1. i think each project needs some brief explanation so that the viewers will have clearer understanding of it.
2. to increase the traffic of this blog, u can link it to the FB. so, more people will browse to the blog..
that's all la for now..
-your nephew-
my dearest nephew,
thanks for the opinion. You are absolutely right.
I have been thought about that and still keep updating.
Please continue browsing my blog for latest information. Thank you.
Noorashikin said:
Very wonderful design and can see your are very passionate in doing your job.
wish you all the best in your future.
thanks syikin..i hope this is the best way of expressing my works and to share to everybody..
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